Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I you can't do it, then don't do it...

I like to think that most of these posts kind of build off of each other and tell one big story overall.  This post came to mind because of various different reasons and I decided it was time to get this out there.  Let's just say that the theme here is "don't let personal crap mess with your business."

I don't care which side of the coin you fall on, whether you are a promoter or a wrestler.  You should never let your personal crap mess with your business.  The biggest problem when it comes to the wrestling business is that most people don't treat it like a business.  I have already talked about this issue though, so we are not going to get into that much.

The problem is, the wrong types of people get into the business on both ends.  You have Scuzzy Joe the Landlord that all of a sudden wants to play promoter, and of course, you have the ever-so-famous Jimmy Dipshit from the Seven Eleven who wants to play wrestler.  I am not saying that you cannot treat wrestling as a hobby, but please treat it as a business either way.  Whether you are the Chris Hero or Colt Cabana type that makes money primarily off of wrestling, or you are the, well, "the Rockshow" Ernie Ballz (me) type that mainly just wrestles a few times a month.  Either way, there is a potential to make money, which classifies a business relationship.  I am just saying enforcing what I have already said before, which is that there are people in this business ruining it for everyone.

If you have convictions from previous crimes, then stay away.  If you do not have any money and want to promote shows but don't know how to actually make money, then stay away.  If you "kind of" want to wrestle but have no athletic ability, STAY AWAY!!!  One bad egg makes the whole bunch look like shit.  Some of you may be saying, "well, if I get gear..." or "well, if I can get a sponsor..."  You think that there are other things that can make you look good or look professional.  I always remember hearing the phrase, "you can paint a turd gold, but it's still a turd either way."  That's what you are, a turd.  A turd in the punch bowl that is pro wrestling.  You make the rest of us look bad.

For example, let's look at the promoting end of things.  Let's say that there is a building that a good promotion wants to run to try to bring in some new fans and branch out a little bit.  The problem is that there are a few other places that have run this town/building and their shows sucked ass, their talent looked like shit, and they left a bad taste in the fans and the owner of the building's mouth for wrestling as a whole.  These shitbag promotions just ruined this town for anyone else that wants to come there, or even near there.  They pissed the building owner off to the point that wrestling will probably never be allowed back there again.

The wrestling side of things is just as good.  Let's say that there is a guy that wrestles from OH who gets booked by a promoter in Philly.  This wrestler talks himself up to the promoter, name-dropping, and saying he is the best thing since Sliced Bread #2.  Now this shitty wrestler goes and wrestles the show, looks like total crap, is not entertaining, and ends up hurting one of the guys he wrestled.  The promoter is now going to say, "that is the last F'n time that we use ANYONE from OH!!!"  So now, this dumbass just ruined the chance for any wrestlers from OH to wrestle for this promoter in Philly.  Eventually, yes, the promoter will probably start using OH talent again, but it is going to be a long time until that happens.

My point here is, if you are told how the wrestling business is and you KNOW that you do not fit that mold, then PLEASE JUST STAY AWAY!!!  It is how it is, and that probably will never change.  So if you are sitting around thinking that something is going to happen, but in the back of your mind you KNOW it won't, find another hobby.  Walk away while you still can.

Personal issues should never effect any type of business.  So if you are that guy that has so many skeletons in the closet that are just waiting to come out and destroy you, then stay away from wrestling.  YOUR personal issues WILL eventually come out, they will make YOU look bad, which will in-turn make EVERYONE in the wrestling business look bad.  We are all in this together.  It is ALL OF OUR JOBS to present this business a certain way.  If you know that someone does not belong here, then speak up or do something about it.  The longer these pieces of crap are in OUR business, the crappier we are ALL going to look.

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