Friday, January 6, 2012

Do things the right way man...

I get a lot of people that ask me how to get into the wrestling business.  I know from experience that is is extremely important to do things the right way, rather than wasting your time at shit-hole promotions.  There are millions of stories of how people get into this business, but the most important part of all of them is doing the right along the way.  There's no roadmap to the top or anything.  Everyone takes different paths to get along in the business, but eventually they find their way on the right path.  Some start out in the wrong places, waste years of their career, but eventually figure things out and move in the correct direction.  Others get it from the beginning and just skyrocket to the top.  Then there are those guys that just never understand anything.  This blog is talking to you.

Starting a promotion in your backyard, not being trained properly, and thinking that you know everything are definitely big no no's in this business.  I hate, HATE, people who are not properly trained.  Just because you have watched wrestling your entire life does not mean that you know shit about what it takes to be a pro wrestler.  That is why there are wrestling schools in the first place.  Suck it up, pay the money, and do things the right way.  Honestly, if you are not trained properly, you're not going to get booked anyways.  If you do get booked, your'e just going to get the shit kicked out of you anyways, because you don't know what the hell you are doing.

The only reason that these "yarders" end up getting booked in the first place is because cheap-ass promoters put them on their shows so that they don't have to pay real talent.  That's why the business is in the shitter right now.  If you cannot afford to pay actual talent to be on your shows, and instead put Johnny Fuck-tard that works at White Castle on your show because he will come in for free, then stop running shows.  YOU, you dumbass promoter, are the one that is truely ruining the business of pro wrestling.

So I guess the point of all of this is; if you are currently wrestling for a place, are not making money, are not getting any better, then you probably wrestle for a crappy place and have no idea what you are doing.  Get the hell out of there, swallow your pride, and take the proper steps to reforming yourself in this business.  Wonder why you are not getting booked anywhere you want to?  It's probably because you suck, have no idea what you are doing, and look like shit. 

Get trained.
Pay your dues.
Get out there. 
Learn from everyone.
And most important...NEVER STOP LEARNING!!!

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