Thursday, March 22, 2012

Youth Movement in the WWE?...

Recently, I began watching FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling) on YouTube.  Being the developmental system for the WWE and the fact that I know some of the people down there now, I figured I would check it out.  Needless to say, I was blown away by how entertaining it is.

I have also been hearing about NXT a little more as of late as well, so I went and checked it out also.  I used to watch NXT when it was on TV, but just felt that it was a hassle trying to watch it online and it was always fuzzy anyways.  Since I bought an iPad, it is a whole different story.  The picture is clearer than a computer and it is just like watching it on TV.

Anyways, my point is that both FCW and NXT are more entertaining than what they are featuring on TV, in my opinion.  So I guess the question to answer is....why?  I think that the reason that both of these shows are better to watch is almost like how college football is more entertaining.  The guys on FCW and NXT are out there busting their asses to get a spot on the "main show."  I am not saying that the guys on TV are not busting their asses, but the FCW/NXT guys are doing a lot of different stuff, while the "main roster" guys that just stick to what they do.  These younger guys are more innovative, and putting together matches better than the guys on TV right now.

Maybe it is becaus they are hungrier and trying to earn their spot.  Maybe things are a little more free-reign on these shows and they have more say in how they present themselves.  I am not 100% sure what IT is, but I like IT.  People like Tyson Kidd, Curt Hawkins, and Johnny Curtis have entertained me more in a few episodes than other people on TV have in years.

Both shows give off a ECW-type of feel to me.  It's a feeling that I have not felt in years when it comes to watching wrestling.  It's a good feeling, and I hope WWE takes notice of it and makes changes to put these guys on TV as soon as possible.  There's a youth movement in the WWE, and I feel better about the future of our business after watching FCW & NXT.

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