Thursday, February 9, 2012

Yeah, we all know you are a pill-popping piece of shit...

Sorry guys that it has been so long since my last blog.  Had a lot of great ideas come through from people.  Some of them I have already talked about, so I probably won't get into them again.  Others are good suggestions for future blogs, but I have a lot of other things on my mind right now.  As always, feel free contact me in any of these ways:


Also, want you guys to know that there is an official Ernie Ballz website coming very soon.  I have been working on one for quite awhile now, and think that I have finally settled on a final design.  The site will have random BS about me, Pro Wrestling: Men in Tights t-shirts, Ernie Ballz t-shirts, and tons of other cool crap.  Keep your eyes peeled for it.  Let's just say that I will get it done when I get it done.  Ha ha.

Today, I want to talk about the assholes, dickheads, douche bags, and all-around pieces of shit in the wrestling business.  In particular, I would like to talk about the drugged-out "veterans" of the wrestling business who feel that everyone owes them something.  Once again, just another example of why "normal people" look at the wrestling business the wrong way.  We are all one big family, and one bad attitude makes everyone else look like shit.

Over the past year, I have had the chance to see both sides of a wrestling show.  The actual "show" part, which I have seen for the past 10 years, as well as now seeing the booking/promoting part of things.  It seems like no matter how hard I try to be professional in the back and try to keep things organized, there is always a handful of "veterans" who don't want to listen or help out at all.  These are the tools bags that need to leave the business altogether.

So I am helping out at a show recently and I let one of the guys know what is going on.  As he reaches into his bag to pop yet another pill (of some sort, not really sure what it was) he basically tells me that he is not going to do what we asked him to.  Okay, well then.  The only thing that I could think to do is go tell the other people involved in his match as well as tell the boss.  Call me a snitch, tattle-tale, whatever you want.  But honestly, when there is an entire show to think about, as well as other people's well-being, I don't really give a shit.  I am going to do whatever needs to be done to get the result that we are looking for.

Don't really want to get into details, let's just say the this sack of shit DID NOT do what he was supposed to.  Everyone else ended up doing what we had to though to get around it.  Which is bullshit.  If you are asked to do something on a show, then fucking do it.  The promoter is the one running the show and paying your sorry ass, so if you want your money, do what you are asked.  I really do not give a shit how long you have been in the business.  It's about respecting the people that are still giving you an opportunity after everyone else has black-balled you from the business.

I am not the one that gets to make the decision on whether or not this guy comes back, but I am hoping he doesn't.  Things can get done a lot easier if he was just not there, and it would open up a spot on the show for a guy that actually cares.  This guy just wants his opportunity to pop pills, and act like people care about him for 15 minutes.  He does not care about anyone but himself, period.

I guess the point of this whole blog is to tell promoters to stop using these kind of guys.  They are losers, probably out of shape, and a shell of what they "used to be."  Yeah, the guy might have been good 10 years ago, but if all he does is pop pills, not listen, and treat everyone like shit, then what is the point of having him on the show?  Like I said, use someone that actually gives a damn.  Someone that will go out there and bust their ass for you.  Someone that appreciates their spot on the show and wants to do their part to help out.  Help give this business a good name again by getting rid of the drugged-out pieces of shit that make us all look bad.  I have said it before, and I will continue to say it as long as I write this blog, the only way that the business is going to change is if we all make it change.  So let's make it change for the better.

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