With all of the good feedback that I have been getting, I have also been getting I guess what you would call negative feedback as well. I have a few people saying that they have never heard of me and that I have no right to sit here on "my soapbox" and say how the business should be ran. Well, to those people I say "STOP READING!!!" This has always been my opinion, and no one is making you read this. I would like to say that even though you obviously do not agree with me, I do appreciate your support!
You may not know who I am, and that is fine. But I am more than qualified to give my opinion on whatever the hell I want to. Not only have I been in the wrestling business for 10 years, but I also hold an Associates Degree in Business and Web Design, am currently working as a Business Development Manager with 8 years of experience in sales, and I am also going back to school to finish a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science with a Business emphasis. I think when it comes to business in general, I am a little more qualified than you at least.
So, enough with the haters and onto an actual topic. One of the topics that I have had come through from a few people is for me to give my honest opinion on TNA/Impact Wrestling. First off, I just want to say that I do not even know what the name of the fucking company is right now. Are they TNA, are they Impact Wrestling, are they both? It's pretty confusing to me.
In my opinion, I find it hard to brand a company/product when you keep changing everything about it. What if Mountain Dew had just come out in 2002, and they are not getting the sales that they think they should, so they keep the name but change the taste of it. Well, a few years go by and they are still not getting the sales they want, so now they change the name of it to just MD. Purpose of all of this is that the product will not sell if you keep changing what it is all of the time. Find something, stick with it, and figure out how to sell it. That is TNA/Impact Wrestling's problem.
I have already gone on record saying that 2 of the things that killed any momentum that TNA had going for them was the fact that they got rid of the 6-sided ring and that they completely killed the X-Division. These were the 2 things that put this company on the map to begin with, and just because Hulk Hogan cannot get enough Rent-A-Center commercials to pay the bills, they have to change everything about their company. Unbelievable.
TNA/Impact Wrestling will NEVER be competition to the WWE, UNLESS, they get their shit together and start selling SOMETHING. Find a direction, and stick with it. Hogan cannot sell fucking TV's and couches for Rent-A-Center, or midget wrestling on TV, so what makes you think that he is going to sell anything at all? Sting is a joke that has to steal people's stuff from the indies to get himself over at all anymore. You have random people that pop up every now and then that I had no idea was even with the company. The women just yell at each other instead of actually wrestling. It's ridiculous, and there is no continuity at all. So what exactly is there to sell?
Pick a roster and make sure it is not that big. TNA has like 50 people on their roster or something crazy like that. Like I said, people pop up here and there, but don't really have anything going on. For example, I watched the entire episode last week (I know, it was rough), and I saw Robbie E on TV with the Television Title for the first time in like 6 weeks. A.) I had no idea that Robbie E was still with the company. B.) I had no idea that the TV Title was still around. So let me get this straight, one of you champions has not been on TV for 6 weeks? How do you get people to buy a PPV where this champion may, or may not, be defending his title against someone, when the guy is never on TV? Don't get me wrong, all of this is no bash on the actual talent, it is a bash on the people running the damn company. Robbie E had a great match with AJ in my opinion. It's just weird to me that a champion would not be on TV, in some capacity, every week.
I have always called TNA "A.D.D. Wrestling," mainly because there is so much shit all going on at one time, that you cannot pay attention to one thing. Seems to me like the logical direction is to streamline things a little more. It is a 2 hour show, once a week, with a PPV every now and then. Like I said, cut the roster down a little and focus on certain people, rather than throwing shit against the wall to see what will stick. I think that every promotion, no matter what size, can use this advice. There are so many promoters out there that want to use everybody and their brother on every show. Well at the end of the night, you have 40 people on the show, 13 matches, and no money in your pocket. If you cut down your overhead cost, then you have more room to make money in the long run.
I am not a fan of the "legends" that much either. Ask any of my friends what I think about "legends." "Legends" are pieces of shit that stick around WAYYYYY past their prime to suck stupid promoters dry, plain and simple. Half of them pull some carny bullshit to get their money and not have to wrestle also, which pisses me off. For example, I was on a show with a "legend" and he showed up with a leg brace on, TWICE, still got paid and did nothing. FUCK THAT!!! Tell that old piece of shit to stay at home and give his spot to someone who still cares about the business. These assholes only care about lining their own pockets. The only ones that care about the actual business are agents for WWE right now. Everyone else is jsut out for a paycheck, or to cling onto the slim glow of spotlight that they still have.
The point of that little rant on "legends" is that TNA should get rid of those people and start showcasing the ACTUAL TALENT!!! These "legends" are not going to be around 5 years from now to help your company, the Bobby Roodes, Alex Shelleys, and AJ Styles will be though. So put your faith into the people that can actually help you make money. Not a bunch of washed up sacks of shit that you are trying to get something out of their "name."
So I think the thing with TNA/Impact Wrestling is that they need to find their identity and market that. They need to let the younger guys, who are the future of the company stand up, take the ball, and run with it. I see them do 1 thing right, but then 5 things wrong. Ask yourself, what is going to sell? What do the fans want to see? That's where the money is.